Legal Tech (Consulting)

The automation of legal activities and computer-assisted legal services are still in their infancy – and therefore represent a highly interesting business field for start-ups, but also for insurance companies and, last but not least, for other law firms. In the development and defence of legal tech services, we act both in an advisory and litigation capacity.

Due to the legal reference, legal tech services usually raise the question of whether and in what form the respective service is permissible. Are they legal services or not? And if they are legal services: Are they covered by a licence to collect under Section 10 RDG? Or is it an activity that may only be provided by lawyers? Can the service be made legally secure by integrating the services of a lawyer into the process? Or is the lawyer then only a vicarious agent of the service?

Exciting questions in a highly competitive environment. In particular, the concept of debt collection has undergone a major transformation as a result of the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Supreme Court, although not all market participants agree with this.

The admissibility of legal tech services is therefore still an issue that is critically questioned by the bar associations, but also by part of the legal profession and their associations.

And of course there is competition between legal tech services and lawyers. It is not uncommon for the question of the admissibility of legal tech services under professional and com-petition law to be the subject of legal disputes.

We have been advising leading legal tech companies for years. Our clients benefit not only from the experience we have gained in setting up our own legal tech services, but also from our expertise in competition law.

In addition to defending or enforcing competition law claims, we also support our clients in particular in connection with the legal admissibility of legal tech services and the development and optimisation of business models in this area.