Work with us
Become a part of JBB
What is important to us
As a modern and digital law firm, it is important for us to be a contemporary employer. Our largely paperless way of working has always enabled our employees to work not only in our modern, well-equipped offices, but also from home or on the road.
We are not a major law firm, and attach great importance to friendly cooperation at eye level in an open working atmosphere. The cornerstone for us as a law firm is to provide high-quality work for our clients.
We support our employees in their daily work as well as in their personal and professional development. The compatibility of work and private life is very important to us.
You fit in with us
We are looking for colleagues who are committed and motivated to advise our clients. You should have the necessary professional skills and be able to produce high-quality work with an eye for detail.
You should be able to work both independently and in a team. It is also particularly important to us that you demonstrate an open mindset in your work towards colleagues and clients.
We are a colourful and diverse team and want to become even more colourful and diverse. We support and promote diversity, equality, and inclusion.
How we work
Our modern loft offices are located on the historic Pfefferberg site in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. The former brewery site, dating to 1841, offers an inspiring environment. We share this unique space with renowned theatres, the Museum of Architectural Drawing, diverse artist studios and a wide selection of restaurants.
The Covid pandemic has also made us rethink our working structures. Fortunately, we had already been fully digitised for more than ten years and had long since said goodbye to paper files and fax machines. As a result, our mode of operation proved to be extremely flexible and crisis-resistant during this challenging time.
Switching between home office and office presence has become a daily routine for our staff.
As an internet law firm, we are always up to date with the latest developments in the digital world. For us, this also includes observing the changes in the labour market. We see “New Work” as an opportunity to continuously develop and meet the needs of our employees and clients.
Rechtsanwält:in (m/w/d) im Bereich Datenschutz-, Medien- und IT-Recht in Berlin mit oder ohne Berufserfahrung
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Referendar:innen (Anwalts- und/oder Wahlstation) in Berlin
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