Dr. Lisa Käde, B.Sc.


kaede@jbb.de     S/MIME    pgp

Lisa Käde has been working as a lawyer for JBB since 2023. Her legal practice focuses on legal issues in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) as well as Open Source Software (OSS).

She always advises her clients with the technical background and regulatory developments at EU level in mind, in particular on the subject of AI, the use of AI in business, copyright issues relating to the training of AI, its products and the protection and licensing of models. She also assists her clients in matters relating to OSS licenses.

She studied business informatics (DHBW Stuttgart, B.Sc.) and law (Freiburg and Ottawa) with a focus on intellectual property and worked as a web developer for several years.

After her first state examination, she was a research assistant at the Center for Applied Legal Studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology until 2023. There she researched legal issues relating to artificial intelligence and was awarded her doctorate in 2021 by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dreier, M.C.J. with a dissertation on machine learning and copyright law. The thesis was published by Nomos-Verlag in 2021.

She completed her legal clerkship with stations at JBB, a state media authority and in the legal department of a large e-commerce company in 2023 with the 2nd state examination.

Languages: German, English

Key Points

  • AI Compliance
  • Machine Learning
  • Open Source Compliance


Kreative Maschinen und Urheberrecht – Die Machine Learning-Werkschöpfungskette vom Training über Modellschutz bis zu Computational Creativity
Diss., Baden-Baden 2021, Nomos (Open Access-Link)

Die Erklärbarkeit von Künstlicher Intelligenz (Mit Stephanie v. Maltzan)
CR 2020, 66.

Algorithmen, die nicht vergessen – Sicherheitslücken in Machine-Learning-Modellen und deren Bedeutung für den Schutz der Daten und der Urheberrechte (mit Stephanie v. Maltzan)
InTeR 4 2020, 201.

Association & Memberships

  • Managing Director of the Robotics & AI Law Society (RAILS) e.V.
  • Creative Commons Germany
  • Institute for Legal Issues of Free and Open Source Software (ifrOSS.org)