Dr. Michael Funke

Lawyer, Certified Specialist in Information Technology Law
funke@jbb.de     S/MIME    pgp

Dr. Michael Funke was admitted to the bar in Berlin in 2017 and has been working for JBB since then, since 2024 as a partner. He focuses on data protection law and copyright law, as well as matters related to IT law and new technologies.

He is a specialist lawyer for information technology law and a lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Dr. Michael Funke studied in Göttingen and received his doctorate from the chair of Prof. Dr. Gerald Spindler with a thesis on consent under data protection law.

In data protection law, Michael Funke advises clients on all related issues. A particular focus is on the operational implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation and the associated legal and practical problems. His field of activity ranges from support in the preparation of internal data protection documentation and the training of employees to communication with customers and users and representation before authorities and courts.

In the area of copyright and IT law, Michael Funke is primarily involved in drafting contracts and advising on licensing issues.

Languages: German, English

Key Points

  • Compliance
  • Contract drafting
  • Data privacy litigation
  • New technologies
  • Data-driven business models


Data Trusts, Das Daten-Governance-Gesetz und die DSGVO – ein Triumvirat für den Datenmarkt?
Taeger (Hrsg.), Im Fokus der Rechtsentwicklung – Die Digitalisierung der Welt, Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2021, Edewecht 2021, S. 365 – S. 379, Die dem Beitrag zugrundeliegende Präsentation ist Online hier verfügbar.

Die Vereinbarkeit von Data Trusts mit der Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO)
AW AlgorithmWatch gGmbH (Hrsg.), Berlin 2020, https://algorithmwatch.org/de/gutachten-data-trusts-dsgvo/

Tracking: Zur Sinnhaftigkeit der Einwilligung als Rechtsgrundlage
Taeger (Hrsg.), Den Wandel Begleiten – IT-rechtliche Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung – Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2020, Edewecht 2020, S. 179 – 199

Dogmatik und Voraussetzungen der datenschutzrechtlichen Einwilligung im Zivilrecht Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung

Associations & Memberships

  • Lecturer at the University of Economics and Law
  • Berlin Bar Association