Dr. Wiebke Fröhlich


froehlich@jbb.de     S/MIME    pgp

Wiebke Fröhlich has been working for JBB as a lawyer since 2024. She specializes in media and copyright law. She advises clients in particular on press law and freedom of expression matters as well as on legal issues relating to artificial intelligence.

Before joining the firm, Wiebke Fröhlich completed her doctorate as a research assistant with Prof. Dr Spiecker genannt Döhmann on the regulation of discrimination risks of artificial intelligence. She also worked as a freelance consultant, including for the Data Protection Foundation and as a consultant for the German government’s Third Equality Report.

As a research assistant at Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Wiebke Fröhlich conducted research on data protection and anti-discrimination law issues, particularly in health and social law. Among other things, she supervised a joint project on the use of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector.

Wiebke Fröhlich completed her legal clerkship in the legal department of a public broadcaster, at JBB and at the Federal Constitutional Court (BVRin Prof. Dr Härtel).

In addition to her studies at the Humboldt Universität of Berlin, Wiebke Fröhlich worked as an editor and freelance journalist for the Deutsche Presse Agentur (dpa), Zeit Online and the Tagesspiegel, among others.

Languages: German, English

Key points

  • Communication and media
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Diversity and anti-discrimination
  • Innovative business models and Technology Law
  • Contract drafting and negotiation


Antidiskriminierungsrechtskonforme Entscheidungen durch KI-Systeme
GRUR-Prax Heft 13/2024, S. 415-418

Diskriminierungsrisiken algorithmischer Entscheidungsprozesse, Regulierung im Antidiskriminierungs- und Datenschutzrecht
Nomos, 2024

Die breite Einwilligung (broad consent) in die Datenverarbeitung zu medizinischen Forschungszwecken – der aktuelle Irrweg der MII
GesR 2022, S. 346-353 (mit Spiecker genannt Döhmann, Indra)

Solidarität – Ein Argument für und gegen die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, Rechtund Politik im Gesundheitswesen
(RPG),2021, S. 106-111 (mit Spiecker genannt Döhmann, Indra)

Associations & Membership

  • German Association of Women Lawyers (djb)
  • Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein e.V.